Weight Loss Tracker

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I'm a total slacker...

I've been a total blog slacker the past week and a half or so! I have a good excuse though right? I've been recovering!!! I'm doing great, a whole lot better then the first week. They kinda don't tell you how to prepare for that first week right after surgery! It was a rough one, filled with hunger, tears, melt downs, and full of regret!

Now that it has all passed and I can EAT again, I'm really glad that I went though with all of this. My husband has been wonderful! I"m so glad he's my husband and my mother has been an angel sent as well! Thank you to ALL my wonderful family and friends who have really stepped up and helped us out during my recovery period!

We are now getting ready for Holiday season and I'm so excited! I LOVE Christmas it's my favorite time of the year and I can't wait for all the lights and decorations! Next Saturday is Clayton's 35 birthday, I can't believe I've been with him since he was 29, I can't believe he's going to be 35, WOW, where did the time go?

He doesn't seem like he's going to be that "OLD" don't let him know I said that!!!

We are starting to get prepared for surgery number 5 with Grandon, we go to the doctor tomorrow to set it all up, I'll keep everyone posted! Well I suppose that's all the updates I've got for y'all as of now. I'm off to go do what I do best SHOPPING!!!


Beth P. said...

I'm glad to hear your recovery is going well and you're past all those lousy feelings of hunger and regret and the others. Only gets better from here, right?