This past Saturday we took a family day, we went on a day trip to Fredricksburg. It was so nice to be able to slow down and have some time for just ourselves. As my parents, niece, nephew, and my family went on our day trip, we decided to photograph our day so we could share it all with you!
Please enjoy a tour of our family day through photos!
We started out day with a nice picnic in the park followed by a tour of the Sauer-Beckmann Living History Farm. People dress up in wear from the 1900's and live the day to day life as they did back in 1915. The kids were able to help them with some of there activities that they do daily and have a great learning experience. It was so much fun...This is a time line of the farm and the owners it's had up till present day.
When you first walk into the farm you see the many different livestock animals that are raised and butchered for food. Here is roughly a four month old calf. he hadn't gotten his lunch yet, so I let him suck on my hand. The kids were so worried that the moo cow was going to eat mommy. It became a great learning lesson for them, the calf let me open his mouth so I could show them that he didn't have any teeth yet, so it didn't hurt mommy.
Our next stop on the farm was the chicken and turkey coop area, Grandon was so excited that he found a turkey feather on the ground, we kept it and it's now in his room. They chickens had laid two eggs that more, and the kids before us were able to go into the coop and get the eggs, so much fun!!!
On the other side of the coop is where the out house was. Inside this outhouse was two toilet holes, I'm sure I don't have to explain that for y'all to understand why there was two holes ;)
From the outhouse and coop you turn to go into the back yard and the back side of the house, from here we went into the original kitchen. I wasn't able to get any pictures of the kitchen which I wish I had. There were two ladies in there cooking on an old time wood burning stove/oven.
This is in front of the "new" house that was built in 1917. This house was built because after the tenth child was born, the family out grew the old house and then built this house to help fit the family.
A shot of the front porch on the "new" house. The swing was so peaceful and romantic!
This is the front of the original house that the family lived in till they out grew it. Now it's used at the butcher house and the food storage area.
The wreaths and garland that is hung through out the houses and buildings are all handmade on the farm using the cedar that is naturally growing there.
Clayton and I had to stop for a photo op, we really enjoyed learning the history of the olden days.
A far view of the whole house part of the farm, this ends our Tour of the Living History Farm.
Behind the pyramid was a really cool park and The Pioneer Garden that had a ton of history there as well, we will start with the history part and then go to the fun part the kids at the park. Above this an old water wheel, it wasn't turning, but would have been cool if it had been.
This is a longhorn that you could sit on with a Santa hat and take a Christmas picture, only in Texas ;)
So that brings us to the end of our family fun day tour, thanks for joining in with us on our day, i hope you learned new things and felt like you were with us at least a little bit!
From our family to yours!
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