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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Easter/Birthday Pictures

So I'm pretty sure by now, everyone knows that I LOVE our photographer, she is the most amazing picture taker ever, and I recommend her to everyone in the New Braunfels/Gilmer area! If you're on facebook look her up: Delightful Dimples if you're not then check out her website HERE!

The only problem I have is picking my favorites there are so many of them and they are all so good, I just don't know where I'm going to put them all, looks like I'm gonna have to start a picture wall of just my kiddos pictures!

Tell me which ones are your favorite!!!

I started off with a college of just a few of my favs:

I had her do some for the kids birthday, Easter, and with Grandma and Grandpa Cox:

There are so many good ones, that I just didn't know which ones to post, this is just the tip of the ice berg of all the goodness!


Paradise said...

We love all the pictures! You have a great photograher.

Your kids are adorable!!!!!